we provide your facility with funny kids, pets , animals videos and universal visual comedy. We select our videos very carefully and we watch every single one of them before uploading them to our website for our elders to enjoy.
We spend up to 2 hours a day, 7 days a week over the internet, looking for the funniest videos we can find and make them available in one place so your residents and elders can enjoy them everyday, monday to sunday. We've made the service simple and easy to access, just connect your television to our website through an amazon fire stick device and you are ready to watch.
We provide you between 3 to 4 hours of funny videos in 3 different categories: Pets and animals, Comedy and Kids, every single day.
When a staff member, a family member or even a resident, if alert, turn on the television and open our website, they will instantly see the 3 categories of the day: Pets and animals, Comedy and Kids. And with only one click on what they prefer, they will enjoy up to one hour of non stop, funny videos. Also, if they which to watch more for the day, they can look out for our extras section in the same web page. In the extras section they will find 36 more contents, each of them 1 to 2 hours non stop.
We change the videos of our daily section everyday to prevent our elders from getting bored by watching the same video twice. The extras section is changed only once every 2 weeks, since there are 36 of them, we want to give enough time to enjoy most of them.